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AllHackingTools: is a system designed to automate the download process and install various tools for penetration testing.
I am not responsible for your actions. By downloading software from this repository, you agree to the license.
Supported systems
will download 5-20 minutes
Here on these systems works AllHackingTools
If you do not understand anything then there is a translate.
New features:
1) New Tools And functions
- New tools for penetration testing. And many new opportunities.
2) Castomization and desing
- Now a new customization for the terminal has been added, and a new design has been added.
3) New Desing And functions
- The AllHackingTools installer has been updated it has got a new design and many features to check packages.
4) New design for download and update
- Now added the ability to quickly update AllHackingTools and new design, download, and update AllHackingTools.
5) Fixed More Bugs
- Fixed many bugs in the system, now AllHackingTools works faster and more stable
6) Run Tools
- The user can now run the tools directly from AllHackingTools, even though they are already installed.
7) Restart AllHackingTools
- And when you run a tool and exit it, AllHackingTools automatically restarts.
#Upgrade all & full packages
apt update
apt upgrade
#Add your termux permision
#Install package git
apt install git
#clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/mishakorzik/AllHackingTools
#cd to directory allhackingtools
cd AllHackingTools
#Start script to install system
bash Install.sh
if the error and the command does not work: cd AllHackingTools && bash fix.sh
And when he writes a big rainbow button:
Done, everything is ready! Wait until you can write to the terminal.
#Free Ngrok authtokens:
#configure ngrok
ngrok authtoken <↖️sеlеct free authtoken>
#start ngrok
ngrok http 80
New Commands
##### AllHackingTools adds new commands for the terminal! All commands below
msdconsole : start AllHackingTools
msdServer : Check AllHackingTools server
msdc : start AllHackingTools
Theme : Select Termux Theme
Standart : Select default keys
edit : Select nano keys
Others commands:
system : View My System
sys : View My System
Fonts Commands:
figlet -f puffy AND toilet -f puffy
figlet -f poison AND toilet -f poison
figlet -f avatar AND toilet -f avatar
figlet -f modular AND toilet -f modular
figlet -f crazy AND toilet -f crazy
figlet -f bloody AND toilet -f bloody
figlet -f rusto AND toilet -f rusto
figlet -f real AND toilet -f real
figlet -f pagga AND toilet -f pagga
figlet -f block AND toilet -f block
- [x] system desing
- [x] Mix Tools
- [x] technical support
- [x] In a real break-in
- [x] multi terminal
- [x] terminal customization
- [x] selection of editions
- [x] multifunctional settings
- [ ] fast download i system
- [ ] Automatic
qiq more commands
##### Now when you write the qiq command in the terminal. Many other teams will show you
##### The main commands should be written without a space, with a drawing, for example: qiq-install
##### When you write qiq-install, it will write to you Enter module name to install and write the name of the module you want to download, for example: git, python, wget
>>> qiq-help :view more qiq info
>>> qiq-update :update qiq
>>> qiq-version :view qiq version
>>> qiq-author :view qiq author
>>> qiq-install :install packages
>>> qiq-remove :remove packages
>>> qiq-reinstall :reinstall packages
┐─┐┐ ┬┐─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┌┌┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┌┐┌┌┐┬─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┐─┐
└─┐└┌┘└─┐ │ ├─ │││ │ │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐
──┘ ┆ ──┘ ┆ ┴─┘┘ ┆ └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘
>>> qiq-proces :view system process
>>> qiq-smalltext :create small logo
>>> qiq-bigtext :create big logo
>>> qiq-rgb :create medium colored logo
>>> qiq-rcolor :create medium rainbow logo
>>> qiq-mysystem :view my system
>>> qiq-home :cd to derictory
>>> qiq-usr :cd to derictory
>>> qiq-bin :cd to derictory
┬─┐o┌─┐┬ ┬─┐┌┐┐ ┌┐┐┬─┐┐ ┬ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┌┐┌┌┐┬─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┐─┐
├─ ││ ┬│ ├─ │ │││├─ │││ │ │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐
┆ ┆┆─┘┆─┘┴─┘ ┆ ┆└┘┴─┘└┴┆ └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘
>>> figlet -f Puffy :no description
>>> figlet -f Bloody :no description
>>> figlet -f Poison :no description
>>> figlet -f Block :no description
>>> figlet -f Avatar :no description
>>> figlet -f Crazy :no description
>>> figlet -f Modular :no description
>>> figlet -f Basic :no description
>>> figlet -f Rusto :no description
>>> figlet -f Pagga :no description
┌─┐┌┐┐┬ ┬┬─┐┬─┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┌┐┌┌┐┬─┐┌┐┐┬─┐┐─┐
│ │ │ │─┤├─ │┬┘ │ │ ││││││││─┤││││ │└─┐
┘─┘ ┆ ┆ ┴┴─┘┆└┘ └─┘┘─┘┘ ┆┘ ┆┘ ┆┆└┘┆─┘──┘
>>> qiq-AllHackingTools :Install AllHackingTools
>>> qiq-FreeProxy :Install Free-Proxy
>>> qiq-AdminHack :Install AdminHack
When prompted for the download type: Default/Coded
Choose which installation is more convenient for you
If you can’t download Default then choose: Coded
It is recommended to choose: Default
Need Help
#### Do you need help? Write me on: developer.mishakorzhik@gmail.com
#### And I will consider your letter and problem!
## Bug?
If the tool fails, follow these steps:
1. Take a screenshot and see the error
in detail
2. Contact me through the following
email: developer.mishakorzhik@gmail.com
3. Submit the screenshot and explain
your problem with that error
### Version 2.6.3
##### below is a list added in version 2.6
Many bugs have been fixed
Added new tools!
#Thanks for reviewing the update list.
#Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.5.1
##### below is a list added in version 2.5
Many bugs have been fixed
Added New Castomization
New Loading animation
Added checking for ping
Added new optimization
Added stabilization
Added new programming code PHP
#Thanks for reviewing the update list.
#Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.4
##### below is a list added in version 2.4
Many new utilities have been added
Many bugs have been fixed
Added New Castomization
Added Castomization for loading
#Thanks for reviewing the update list.
#Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.3
##### below is a list added in version 2.3
Many new utilities have been added
Many bugs have been fixed
Added New Commands
Added New Castomization
#Thanks for reviewing the update list.
#Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.2
##### below is a list added in version 2.2
Many new utilities have been added
Many bugs have been fixed
New logo designs were added
New Menu desings were added
New AllHackingTools download design
#Thanks for reviewing the update list.
#Bye bye Have a nice day!
### Version 2.1
##### below is a list added in version 2.1
Two new menu options have been added
Many new utilities have been added
Many bugs have been fixed
Two new logo designs were added
#Thanks for reviewing the update list.
#Bye bye Have a nice day!
[![forthebadge made-with-python](http://ForTheBadge.com/images/badges/made-with-python.svg)](https://www.python.org/)
If all this is then you can download!
Root : NO ROOT
Storage : 2200 MB
Internet : must be
Okay let’s go installing! If it shows Are you rooted? Then ignore it!
What does it download?
And more packages!
If you want to donate, click on the button
Download more utility for hacking!
bash Uninstall/Uninstall.sh
• Dependencies • Installing • Options
Find Me
I recommend watching
1.mtunn - open http, tcp ports to internet.
2.Gmail-Hack - Easy email hacking
3.AdminHack - Hacking bad sites
4.Infect - Easy virus creation
5.Free-Proxy - Lots of free proxy servers
6.IpHack - Easy Tracking smartphones
7.UserFinder - Find users in social
8.Ultra-DDos - Hing ddos bad sites
Here are the repositories that I recommend you look at. below are people who liked and forked the repository
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