

A script to find admin login pages and EAR vulnerabilites.

I am not responsible for your actions. By downloading software from this repository, you agree to the license.


Installing for termux

Installing for linux

Installing for arch linux

Everything is ready! Now we are waiting for everything to download!

Start Program

Enter a command to start AdminHack.

If there are problems then look down there will be if failed to download.

Need Help #### Do you need help? Write me on: #### And I will consider your letter and problem! ```bash Emails: Developers: mishakorzhik ``` ## Bug? If the tool fails, follow these steps: 1. Take a screenshot and see the error in detail 2. Contact me through the following email: 3. Submit the screenshot and explain your problem with that error

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here you can see a screenshot of AdminHack

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By mishakorzhik: Report bug:

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